Wednesday, 16 March 2011

big ups rodrigo for tht killer backround and sensr for the letters tnx again!
elgon west side of the universe

human cage! acrylic on rice paper

fed up with this wave length! acrylic aerosol screwdriver on plexiglass

ebenze' script promoting flexibility and good heart

ebenze' problem solving pyramid/stone grid..acrylic water

buck shot sporting krystaal parka blue fox double thinsulate

the day bush fu#t the world-

when gorillazen and rodrigo pradel work togther we are aquila productions! thank you sensr for this amazing burner!

-FIRE- used ironlack

data entry 5th dementa' ebenze scipt paint marker acrylic

dangerous goods crew aniversary

-fat dragon-

R.I.P pj from hood hoppers.

thru the most divine spirit


my brother rockin royal blue parka powder blue fox crome blue embroidery krystaal wear 07'

RAP lover.


aerosol acrylic

subtle vibrations click pencil 0.7

kksamurai past life issues

5 aligator acrylic water

08' great year investors studio lots of party! haha

3 eyed snake pen

did some clothing back in 03' to 07' krystaal wear

good luck want is for people to walk by on a bad day see buddah face and smile

franksta 187 ink..and a young frank at tht!

navagation gallexy8 ebenze'

bleeding energy yin problems

bright light madona pigeon lover

run!! hahah

yin being mass energy

telepathy hybrd

the life

ebenze' being 5th dementa..

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

hood alchemy feat rodrigo pradel

indoor acrylic hints of aerosol good times when time stands still!


oldie but a goodie graphite..and an earful of stress!

yin focus blind eye

yin energy...

past life

self portriat on plexi-glass aerosol